Meditation for Sleep

Sleep is an incredibly important part of our immune system, management of stress, and daily functioning. Without a good night sleep everything can seem so challenging. It is during sleep hours that our body detoxifies, replenishes itself and heals. If we don’t allow the body some down time we begin to feel dis-eased, suffering higher levels of cortisol in the body which lead us to feeling more stress and anxiety, along with raised blood pressure among others ailments.


There seems to be a lot of levels! Which has surprised me and others around me. However we are all on varying parts of our journey through life and I guess in many ways, it therefore means, these times have made us question – Just what does it mean to be spiritual, or even awake?

Your Journey

Well, I feel the easiest way to explain the confusion is to see what’s happening currently, as though there are two worlds living together as one, one layered over the other. Where the translucent layer of the 5th Dimension is layered over the more dense world of the 3rd Dimension.

We are in a different dimension, watching the old world narrative play out in the 3rd. We are interacting with those in the 3rd dimension because our dimensions have not yet split. The 5D bus has not yet left and we are still waiting for those, who are just waking up, to buy a ticket and get on board!

Listen to your Heart – Beware of False Idols

Now is the time to allow our external idols and false realities to fall away and trust only ourselves for the real truth. What is true for you in your world may not be true for somebody else in theirs, and you must allow for that also. It is a time to go inward, to our hearts and trust the voice within.

The Great Awakening – Be a Tuning Fork!

We are in midst of a great awakening. We are all swinging from fear to hope, and having been in the same pendulum swing myself I received a direct ‘Divine Download’ if you will, which I share briefly in this video. . I feel there are three aspects to this Awakening.

Writing is Therapy!

In the same way I had learned with mediation, I became aware of the distraction and without placing too much attention or attachment on it, I gently let it pass. So, I sat myself down once again, this time prepared for the body’s reaction. There is was, it wanted to get away again. It wanted to move. Previously I would have stepped away, not knowing why, but now I was aware and I was going to stay where I was. I would become aware of the sensations in my body and allow them to pass.

Divine Downloads

The universe will never give you anything you cannot handle. Those who have been learning and practicing for this moment are being called to serve the greater good, the awakening. It is your time to be a tuning fork and raise the collective conscious of those who cannot do it for themselves.

Is FOMO Affecting Your Immunity?!

By raising your vibrations and remaining calm and positive, focusing on gratitude, you will act as a tuning fork for others who need that in their lives. Not only will you help others by being the messenger of good news, rather than doom. You will also boost your immunity and in turn, you will help others to boost their immunity. There is alot you can do, simply by feeling as much gratitude as you can every day.

For ‘Fork’ sake raise your vibrations!

When you are in the company of others who are fearful, and you want to help and feel helpless and cannot. Simply maintain your gratitude and love and joy and happiness, it will help them to raise theirs. It may not happen immediately but it will happen. People, even really cranky people, innately want to feel happy, sometimes its just too scary for them or they don’t know how. Simply be yourself, raise your own vibration, be that tuning fork that resonates with beautiful harmony and soon others will resonate with you also.