For ‘Fork’ sake raise your vibrations!

While in Colombia I completed an Internship in Masterplants, Ethnobotany, Mayan Cosmology and Sound Therapy. It was an incredible experience. Cymatics is the study of vibration and sound. As humans it has been shown that each of our organs vibrate at a particular frequency, therefore our entire body has its own unique frequency; an orchestra of sound. It is no surprise then that when we are is dis-ease, there is an instrument which is playing out of tune in the orchestra. By simply tuning into the correct frequency we can therefore heal and bring the entire orchestra, the body, back into harmony.

During these times of fear and anxiety, we experience a very real disharmony in our minds, body and souls. However, with a little present awareness of the now, the moment we are in, and by raising those vibrations we can in turn raise the vibrational energy of our immune systems. When our immune systems are in harmony and our awareness is sharp, we can said weather many storms.

Often we use words, in everyday life, that allude to our already knowing about this vibrational energy. We say things like ‘I resonate with that’, or ‘That person is on the same wavelength’. When you take two tuning forks holding them close together, side by side, and strike one it resonates a frequency or vibrates. Without touching the other tuning fork, you will notice that soon it begins to resonate all by itself. What’s more interesting is it begins to resonate at the exact same frequency as the tuning fork next to it. They resonate together. The same then is said to be true for when we are, ourselves, resonating with another person. You feel the same, you are in the same mood, you are on the same page.

Imagine for a moment that your mood is low. You enter a room and see a child on the floor playing, giggling and laughing. Try not to laugh, I dare you! Try to not feel the infection of their laughter. Soon you feel much better. You are resonating. Higher frequencies, such as love, laughter, happiness, resonate at a higher frequency. Sadness, depression and loneliness resonate at much lower frequencies, so when you place joy and happiness, and laughter with a lower frequency such as sadness, the energy raises. You have noticed this to be equally true for when you are in a good mood and somebody drags you down. However, with present awareness of your emotions and state of being you can maintain those higher, happy vibrations, and soon others will follow your lead.

During these times, during the COVID-19/ Corona Virus, it is easy to get bogged down by fear. If you are constantly looking at the news and listenging to lower vibrational information all day every day, then of course you will begin to vibrate on the same level. If you choose to look at it once a day instead, and look at all the positive things which are coming from these times; such as families spending more time together, people having more opportunity to walk in nature, communities coming together to support each other, more value is being placed on our elders, we are learning how to respect each others health by social distancing, the world is uniting in its shared experiences, walls are coming down, we all have the same thing in common and this unites people, it opens up dialogue which were not there before. The air pollution in countries which have suffered deaths as a result, are drastically improving. There are fish in the rivers of Venice once again. The planet has been given a vacation from our polluting it. Due to man made sanitizers and products not being as readily available, people are turning to nature. They are remembering that nature also holds cures. We are going back to basics. So there is also a lot of good to come, globally from this situation. All of this raises our vibrations. Simply being thankful and grateful for the positive and inspirational things in life is enough to raise your vibrations.

You don’t have to study for years or sit in the lotus position to raise your vibrational energy, you simply have to feel love, joy and gratitude. If you feel fearful and stuck and unable to shift that emotion, simply try being grateful for a few small things, like having food on your table or waking up healthy this morning, or the sun shining etc. Even the smallest of gratitudes can held shift your vibration, then as soon as it has shifted see what else you can feel grateful for.

When you are in the company of others who are fearful, and you want to help and feel helpless and cannot. Simply maintain your gratitude and love and joy and happiness, it will help them to raise theirs. It may not happen immediately but it will happen. People, even really cranky people, innately want to feel happy, sometimes its just too scary for them or they don’t know how. Simply be yourself, raise your own vibration, be that tuning fork that resonates with beautiful harmony and soon others will resonate with you also.

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