
It’s been an eye-opening experience to see the ‘levels’ of ‘awakened’ beings out there during these ‘interesting’ times we are experiencing.
There seems to be a lot of levels! Which has surprised me and others around me. However we are all on varying parts of our journey through life and I guess in many ways, it therefore means, these times have made us question – Just what does it mean to be spiritual, or even awake?

I’ve heard so many people, since the ‘Plandemic’, tell me they have been surprised with their friends, family or work colleagues reaction, who have been ‘into’ crystals, meditation, spirituality, alternative medicine and therapies etc.. They’ve said ‘I’ve met so many people who preach about spirituality and alternative thinking, and they are still denying what’s really happening and even dangerously and blindly pushing the main stream media narrative! They want the vaxines (miss-spelt due to heavy censorship online), and some can’t wait for them! They are crazy! Beating the drum, and following the herd while not doing their own research! The research is everywhere to be seen in plain sight, by experienced professionals who are being silenced, but they can’t even conceive of an alternative narrative to what they are being fed! It’s insane!’.

Why would these people, who have been so open-minded before, now all of a sudden seem so closed minded? Why do we see many of these people just accepting what they are being told on tv, radio, and by our governments? How could they proclaim to be so open-minded and yet now seem as though they are following the flock? Because they don’t know any better, that’s why.

I feel that spirituality has been popularized for years, we’ve been fed a version of lite spirituality that takes us to a certain level, which is fed to us by well known teachers ( some of who, I have come to realize, are NOT at all playing for the same team, in fact they are not who you think they are! It would shock you!). There are many spiritual people, who have been following the pop-culture version of spirituality. These are the people who have their eyes closed to what’s going on behind the veil, who have forgotten how to think for themselves and silenced their inner voice, who at this point should be shouting NO! WAIT! LISTEN TO ME! THERE’s SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW!’. It goes to show how ‘Spirituality’ has been turned into a label people wear, an egoic way to show how ‘holy’ and great we are instead of a way of being, a way of life.

In my opinion well known spiritual teachers, while much of their message has validity, good intentions and has led me on my own journey, many (but not all) are showing people a glass ceiling, which I feel is limiting their progression spiritually….
How can we be fully awake if we are still seeking the truth outside! If we are still looking for our own answers, from other people?
There’s some level of research, and searching for the truth, that needs to be done outside ourselves… in some way we have to go to come back in… to see what breadcrumbs we have left for ourselves as reminders! But at some point we need to bring that inside, and test it out…. Does it feel right or wrong? Just because most of what we hear resonates with us, doesn’t mean we should blindly accept it all.

We should examine every part that we allow into our psyche and make sure that it resonates with our own experience. Take what we need and discard the rest. Just because somebody is standing on a stage talking to thousands of people, doesn’t make them right on everything. It’s just another persons perspective and you have your own. We each have our own unique view point and perspective of the world, nobody is wholly right or wrong, some will lead you closer to your truth while others will unknowingly to you (without your ability to feel the truth) will lead you away.
To some end it’s needed but it’s also needed to feel into ourselves for what is true…
The media have spent generations brainwashing people, teaching them to always search for the answers to who they are outside themselves, from other people…….
Who am I? Can YOU tell me? NO!! Because although we are one, and come from the same source, our life experiences are different, our soul contracts are different, our stars and planets are different, our life purpose is different, our perspective is different and that’s the beauty of it all!
We have been groomed to WANT to be the same as others, to FOLLOW others, to idolize and morph our selves into what we have been sold on TV. We’ve been told what to eat and drink and how to exercise and what to wear, and what’s socially acceptable and what’s not…. We are being told how to think and essentially we’ve been made the same, like robots, and it’s time to celebrate our uniqueness!
This DOESN’T mean we all have to have our own unique ‘LABEL’…. the world has gone crazy with making the concept of ‘needing a label’ or ‘You being an individual’ or ‘You being your own brand!’, which has become a label by itself! This has made ‘Being different’ and needing a label for that, fashionable…. That’s just out the front door, in the back door, it’s the same thing, dressed up a different way, and centered around ego. Media has TAUGHT the younger generation to identify with creating a unique label for themselves…. it’s gone out of control, it’s not unique when everyone is doing the same thing!! It’s not unique when everyone is ‘trying’ to come up with their own way of being different! Rather than simply accepting who we are, not labeling it, and accepting others for who they are and not labeling that, or dressing it up to stand out! ‘Look, I’m more different and unique than you are’, it’s just competition and part of ego!
To discover who you really are, the subtleties and acceptance in your subtleties, and to honor that with yourself and for yourself instead of making it a THING, that’s how to celebrate your uniqueness. Going inward! Not creating a THING out of it!
It’s time we truly started to think for ourselves!
Many don’t realize the answers ARE inside us… they are the feelings, emotions and knowings which arise from our interactions with the world around us, those feelings as to what is right and wrong. But we’ve lost that. Many of us no longer know what that feels like, because we’ve been taught to seek the truth or the answers outside ourselves. We’ve been disconnected from those feelings and because of that…. the mere idea of trusting that you know the answer, it’s scary to trust those instincts…. What if they are wrong!! But they can never be wrong…. they just may not align with what the outside world is teaching you! Why? Because your truth is what sets you free. Not what the media is selling you. Which is scary because then we must question our outside world… And that could leave you feeling unsafe! I know this because I’ve experienced this!
You have to sit with yourself, feel into what’s right and wrong, and take what you need from these spiritual people, what feels right, discarding what you feel has been popularized in their beliefs.
How often are we truly encouraged to FEEL into the information we are receiving to make our own judgement and take our own perspective.
Those who are following the herd and main stream narrative without question are living in fear and following the herd because of that fear. If they were to even conceive of the reality behind the narrative they are following, it would mean change. It would mean their lives would have to change. It would mean facing fear. The unknown. It would rock their world and once the veil of BS comes up, there is no going back. Those who are awake will testify to that. It is scary but we must remember that we are all on our own journey. Not all will be ready to wake up in this lifetime and some may miss the opportunity, but that’s their choice. We all have freewill and some will choose to stay in the old world, through fear. We cannot judge. Although, I myself swing from frustration to acceptance and understanding, I realize that this too is part of my own journey. To feel tha fear of that transition.

Remember, we all have our own perspectives and none of them is totally right and none of them is totally wrong. They are right for us, in our world, at this time.
All we can hope is that more and more wake up in time, they don’t sleep in past the wake up call, and make it in time to jump on board the 5D bus, as it’s last call and they need to start making a choice to move!!🙏

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