Mental Health Awareness

With Mental Health Awareness in mind I thought I’d share 5 Way to Reduce to Stress, Anxiety, Worry and Fear (PLUS a FREE Meditation to help you Ground & Clear your energy).


As a Holistic Therapist, based in Dublin Ireland, I use Reiki, Reflexology, Astrology & Coaching together. I am sure that most Holistic Therapists in Ireland can agree that they are inundated with clients worried about returning to work, kids going back to school and what their futures hold. It is heart breaking to see so many suffer needlessly, especially when we have all the tools in nature to help us ground and bring us back into balance… All it takes is a little time and practice…

In todays Blog I thought I would share 5 simple tips you can implement straight away to bring the Zen back in to your Den, reduce Stress, Anxiety, Worry and Fear! You don’t have to study Reiki, Reflexology, Astrology or Coaching to implement any of these and you don’t even have to visit me here in South Dublin… These are tools you can implement straight away, in your life, with incredibly simple and effective results!

Introduce these to your routine, slowly over time rather than one big change, that will help you to destress and rebalance.

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day (Example- up at 7am and bed at 11pm)
  2. Feel Gratitude for 5 things every day, in AM and PM (Really take the time to FEEL these)
  3. Breath and ground yourself every morning and just before bed (breathe in for 5 seconds, out for 5 seconds and repeat 5 times)
  4. Eat warm meals at approx. same time every day
  5. Drink Herbal Teas and Water (less caffeine, which places stress on the nervous system)

You can also play my FREE Meditation (link below) every day for at least 30 days. When your energy is grounded and clear you will quickly see a huge difference in your anxiety, fear, worry and stress.

A side effect of these changes is overall improvement and balance emotionally, physically, spiritually and in all aspects of your relationships, both with yourself and with others.

Try these for a few weeks and see the difference.

If you or a loved one are craving balance and clarity in life and would like to work with me directly, I offer 1 Hour Reiki Sessions both Face to Face, here in Dublin, but also via Zoom. Distance Reiki is an incredibly powerful tool in healing and I love doing Zoom session online.

Alternatively, if you are ready to dive a little deeper and really uncover what’s going on for you right now, I offer 1:1 Online Astrology Sessions and Life Path Coaching, which provides incredible transformative results in all areas of life.

Drop me an email if you have any questions, or if there’s any support I can offer.



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