Listen to your Heart – Beware of False Idols

It is human nature to fill a void as soon as it is created. When we lose something we tend to want to fill that space as soon as possible, in order to stop any discomfort. In these challenging times, when our truths are being challenged, it is a time to let go of old idols and instead of filling that void with a new idol, we go into ourselves and connect with our own truth.

We have been trained by social media, the movies, marketing and advertising, our leaders and more to tell us how to live our lives… They tell us what looks good and what doesn’t, what’s socially acceptable and what’s not, what to eat and not eat, what to believe and not believe… the coming weeks and months will see our external reality challenged and torn apart. It will be scary for some, who have not done any research into what is really going on in the world, and it will be less scary for others who have already done alot of work on themselves to become aware and awaken.

What’s important to know is that you are human… you are a spirit having a human experience… and while we have been taught to live spiritual lives, we must also honor our human experience. Now is the time to integrate the two. Now is the time to embrace our human experience. We have the free will to choose what resonates and what doesn’t resonate with us, we have the free will to change those beliefs further down the line if we learn those beliefs no longer serve us, we have the free will to find strength in our own conviction and free will to allow others to be on their path, just as we are on ours. Everyone has their role to play in this Great Awakening, and everyone is on their own journey. We must learn to share the truth, but not force it on others. We must learn to release the need to find ourselves through other peoples eyes and see ourselves through our own. We must learn to trust our yes/no voice within and build strength in that.

Now is the time to allow our external idols and false realities to fall away and trust only ourselves for the real truth. What is true for you in your world may not be true for somebody else in theirs, and you must allow for that also. It is a time to go inward, to our hearts and trust the voice within.

Have you experienced this shift? Have you felt yourself waking up and questioning everything? Have you felt the fear of those changes and shifts? Have you found the peace that comes from coming back into your own heart?

I’d love to hear your comments and feedback below, and if you would like to check out my website for more info go to (I’m on Facebook & Insta too!)

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