Universal Pop-Quiz

There’s no doubt about it, we are living through some pretty crazy life-changing times. Regardless of what lies ahead, what our beliefs are, what truths or fears we hold, one thing is true… Our perspective and outlook is always within our control and cannot be taken away from us.

We have heard all the buzz words on mindfulness, mindful living, and meditation, raising our vibrations and positive thinking, we have heard it all, but how many are practicing it? Now, more than ever there is a call to sit up and pay attention to the change which is occurring. Our thoughts and perspectives are currently molding a new earth, a new world, and as the Dalai Lama said ‘Be the Change you wish to see the in the world’, so now is your time.

Those of you who have been on the spiritual or self-development path will know it’s not all Unicorns and Rainbows, and the reward of obtaining a new view, of a sleeping world, is not something which can be reversed easily. It is therefore a path which takes courage.

It takes a lot of personal effort, persistence, belief, awareness, an open mind, the ability to remain objective and unattached, living beyond fear and with the ability to see beyond the veil, at every moment. It is the ability to remain awake and alert to those moments in life, which assumes we are asleep; When you see an advert at a bus-stop, when you watch a movie on tv, when you turn on the radio, when you listen to people who listen to other people, when we listen to those who hold power singing blindly from hymn sheets not written by them, when we forget our ability to trust and believe in our own selves. It is in those unconscious moments; where we lose our awareness of the I AM and fall back into our sleeping selves, that we need to practice our abilities to become alert and aware.

It is that awareness which is needed right now in the world, and your awareness which is needed to inspire others. We are living on the turn of a tide, which generations have been waiting for. We are living on the turn of a tide, which we have been training to surf. We are living on the turn of a tide, which we must now use all our skills and tools to overcome. For those who spent a lifetime traveling the Spiritual path of self development, it is now your sole purpose to help those who have not traveled the same road. You have done the work and now it’s time to help them raise their vibrations, not by preaching or converting but in leading by your example. By inspiration, By showing the peace and contentment which can be obtained by raising your energy and resonating at higher frequencies. By remembering that beyond the veil there exists only love.

Those asleep will not understand. They will feel more secure in fear, and safe with their heads in the sand, accepting all they are being told to accept, following what everyone else is doing, and that’s okay. We are not here to judge or criticize, but to love, support and have compassion. Each one of us has our own journey, we are all at different stages of awakening and some will not awaken during this lifetime at all. However, those on the spiritual path, now it is your time to lead with love.

Those asleep, and those of us who are awake but have often fallen back into daydreams, will be fearful of these times of uncertainty. However the generations who have gone before, from which our ancient wisdom was preserved and passed forward to us in the present day, have secretly been passing us on the tools we need to meet this present moment with full awareness, love, compassion and courage.

I have heard it said that the universe will only give us challenges it thinks we can handle. A kind of life pop-challenge/ pop-quiz to see whether we can put all our newly learned skills to the task. Those who are asleep, who never made it to class and are oblivious of the task at hand will fail, however we can help them through. Those who have been working on their spiritual connections and awareness will have all the tools they need to meet the challenge.

The challenge is as follows;

If behind the veil of life there exists only love, pure unconditional love, then right and wrong, good and bad do not exist. If this world, we experience, is a dream state and projection of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and beliefs, then fear is not real. If fear is not real then what we are currently experiencing is a game we are playing with ourselves, which keeps us in the dreamstate. Then in order to escape the dream we must awaken. To awaken and transform the dream we become conscious of our thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, emotions. To change the narrative and awaken we must raise our vibrations and like a tuning fork, those who are asleep will slowly begin to vibrate with us. To raise our vibrations we must feel gratitude, for our current situation. We all know the negatives, but what if we were to focus on the positives.

Families spending quality time together, children seeing their parents, communities coming together to look after our elders, the elders in our community seen as valuable, a slower pace of life, time to spend in nature. We are being forced to remember the value we have in physical connection, a hug or kiss to a loved one has become more valuable, more thoughful. We have a reawakening to the value we have on connection with our friends and family, being able to spend more time talking virtually with people we haven’t had time for before. We have been given time… the single most valuable commodity in our world. Rather than focusing on the difficulties of times ahead, and what comes after, perhaps we can see how the patriarchal prototype test run on humanity has had its time and now its time for a matriarchal world. A world which brings us back into tine with nature, where we nurture our needs. A world which allows us to slow down in time with nature and live higher quality lives, with less stress and more connection. A life where we become less consumed with material goods and value the connection we have with others more.

When we feel gratitude we feel love, joy, happiness, and fear begins to slowly melt away. Our only task at hand is to raise our vibrations and see past fear, to imagine a world where we live our lives like the seasons, taking time to live a little easier with nature and to have enough time to love with all our hearts.

Meditate, use the Laws of Attraction, use Tapping, create Vision Boards, sing, chant, hum, drum, whatever you need to do, whatever is right for you, do it now. We are literally in the haze of creation and let the light shine through XXX

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