There seems to be a lot of levels! Which has surprised me and others around me. However we are all on varying parts of our journey through life and I guess in many ways, it therefore means, these times have made us question – Just what does it mean to be spiritual, or even awake?
Listen to your Heart – Beware of False Idols
Now is the time to allow our external idols and false realities to fall away and trust only ourselves for the real truth. What is true for you in your world may not be true for somebody else in theirs, and you must allow for that also. It is a time to go inward, to our hearts and trust the voice within.
Universal Pop-Quiz
I have heard it said that the universe will only give us challenges it thinks we can handle. A kind of life pop-challenge/ pop-quiz to see whether we can put all our newly learned skills to the task. Those who are asleep, who never made it to class and are oblivious of the task at hand will fail, however we can help them through. Those who have been working on their spiritual connections and awareness will have all the tools they need to meet the challenge.
Lifting the veil…
I am here to tell you that it does NOT have to be like that! You too, can be free!
The first step to this freedom is becoming aware of the cage you are in.
To see the cage you must become aware of how crazy it is to even be in the cage.