I’ve been procrastinating writing this particular post, because I feel in one way who the heck is going to read it… and in another way, I feel as though I am being prodded internally, and by the universe, to write it. So, here it is!
A few weeks ago I became aware of the bigger picture of what’s really going on in the world. Through the years I have known my fair share of people who are into ‘conspiracy theories’. For me, in fairness, I have believed some of it, but not all of it. I have always had an open mind and have taken what I wanted, or what resonated with me at the time, from these people and their theories. However, I will admit that some of it was, at the time, too far fetched for me to allow into my mind. In hindsight, I can now see that it was fear which held me back. It was fear which would not allow these ideas, or conspiracy theories, into my mind.
We are all at different stages of our journey, and so not everyone will awaken. However you will only awaken to the bigger picture if you have done the work and can handle it.
The universe will never give you anything you cannot handle. Those who have been learning and practicing for this moment are being called to serve the greater good, the awakening. It is your time to be a tuning fork and raise the collective conscious of those who cannot do it for themselves.
Imagine the idea of a global takeover by dark forces, a hunger games society based on credits, imagine de-population, global serialization, 24/7 tracking by nano-chips through vaccine, constant monitoring of our every move by our governments and their ability to take your liberties away if you don’t comply with what they order, mandatory actions which you have no say against, jobs to be replaced by automated online computers, human interaction banned and even illegal, our freedom and voices as a species completely removed etc. Well, that’s already happening right now! It is real!
Initially I thought the idea, that there were a handful of people at the top of the food chain of life who were controlling the whole planet, was crazy… come on, surely not! Surely the news and media, our governments and those who are supposed to be protecting our rights, surely they haven’t been lying to us… surely it’s not all a big scam? WTF! It was far too much for my fearful brain to handle, and yet now… there is nowhere to hide from it all. There is no sand for us to stick our heads in people, it’s time to wake up!
In the past few weeks I have disappeared down the rabbit hole, doing a lot of my own research, about the goings on behind the information we are being fed. I can tell you, when you are led by enough carrots down the rabbit hole to see reality, you learn pretty quickly to see in the dark! There is a crazy amount of underhanded, dark and sinister operations happening right now… and the HUGE awakening that we, on the spiritual path, have been hearing about for years… It… Is…. Here, folks!
There is a HUGE battle going on between good and evil, it is real, it is happening and we are on the crest of a frickin tsunami wave, people!
However, as scary as that all is…. it’s important to note that these are also incredibly exciting times and I am noticing every single day, more and more and more people are waking up… and there’s a beautiful rumbling happening; a rumbling which begins the mark of a new era in history. A new era we are all very honored to be part of, so there is a silver lining!
Last week in my pendulum swing, between fear and hope, I received an incredible download which gave me huge hope, read on and I’ll reveal all toward the end.

I have waited all my life to know my purpose, to know what my place is, in the world. I have spent my life trying to find some meaning and have fought the battle of joyless hope for so long. I have been impatient to know why I am here.
I have been scratching and digging with no answer, which led me to feeling pointless as a human. It led me to feeling like a complete waste of space, to feeling unfulfilled, longing for home; home being the place before birth and after death – that empty timeless space of light and darkness that exists beyond this life. The place of unconditional love, void of heavy sludgy emotions. This world has been a difficult place for me to be at times. I have longed for that space where the weight of this world and the destruction becomes weightless.
However, I believe that now it is finally all starting to come clear. Slowly and surely, I am beginning to feel and understand why I couldn’t have had purpose before now. My purpose was to awaken to the reality of what’s happening now, to un-attach to a fearf filled outcome, to see the possibilities of a new free world, and raise my own vibrations like a tuning fork, in order to help others awaken.To help those who cannot help themselves.
For years I have been walking around living a life which followed railroaded, pre-prescribed, life format without question. That’s what everyone else was doing, so I just followed the herd. However, somehow I felt there was something wrong with this, I felt unfufilled and it made no sense to me. For years I wanted to do what everyone else was doing… go to college, get married, have kids, get a house, and in 2015 that all changed. My eyes opened, the veil of bullshit came up and there was no going back.
I realized I had been living in a daydream, a daydream which I had been pre-programed to live in, the same daydream everyone else was pre-programed to live in. Then I woke up and saw how asleep we have all been, and while we were sleeping we were being fed suggestions on how to live our lives; imagine how destructive that is for us as a collective. The survival of our being depends solely now, on waking up people.


Many years ago I was told by a woman, there will be a huge transformation in the future, a mass awakening. She said it was like a metamorphosis. She said that those who are awake will survive and those who are asleep will not. I had no idea what that meant, but now I know.
That awakening, or THEE awakening, we have all heard so much about is not only based on our development spiritually but an awakening to the truth of what is happening right under our nose, in the shadows, by the big game players who own all the big tech and pharma companies in the world. Those who own all the big brands.
Now, I am not a religious nut and I would like to make it clear that it’s taken me years to even use the word ‘Jesus’ comfortably in a sentence, but Jesus said ‘You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free‘, and he was right because this truth is part of the awakening.
The truth is, the global take over is happening right now under our noses. The ‘Awakening’ is our ability to wake up to that truth. For that ‘Truth’ to set us free, we must raise our vibrations to a state of love and not fear. We must be awake to the reality, un-attached to fear of outcome, and raise our vibrations to love with gratitude and joy.
The more people doing this the more powerful and speedier the transformation. It is time to use all the tools we have all been learning on our spiritual path. However, on our journey we will know many, many, people who have not even begun to wake up, who are not even close to beginning the spiritual journey, let alone who could handle this reality, so our job is not to aggressively wake them up or force spirituality down their throats, but to be a tuning fork.
When you have two tuning forks, holding them side by side, and you strike one, the other automatically begin to vibrate without touching it. It will vibrate at the same pitch and frequency as the other. We need to do the same. Raise your vibrations so that others, who are not yet awake, can begin to wake. This is where we begin to realise that we are not alone in the world, we are all connected, and those who are not awake need us now more than ever. They need us, and we need them to transcend these times.
We have all spent years learning mindfulness, meditation, reiki, and other enlightening work, however there’s no use in having a dog and barking yourself if you are not going to use these tools correctly. How do we do that?
In meditation we learn to sit quietly, allowing distractions and thoughts to enter our mind and allow them to come and go without attachement. In mindfulness we learn to become aware of our thoughts, allowing them to come and go without attachment. With Reiki and other energy work we learn to feel the energy, move as we feel guided, allowing it to come and go without attachment. Allowing flow. When we create, be it singing or writing or doing some artwork, we move in flow with what we are doing. Unattached and with present awareness.
To awaken, you need simply become aware of the bigger picture of what’s going on in our world. You cannot awaken without knowing what you are awakening from AND once you know the truth, you must find your own peace within yourself, while holding this truth without fear or attachment, becoming more and more aware of the realities of the age we are in and how only good can and will triumph. Only then will you awaken to the potential of this new world. You will understand the reason we need more and more people to awaken. The more people we have awake, the less catastrophic the outcome and quicker we ascend to a heaven-like state on earth!

A week ago, I received what I can only describe as a Divine Download!
Having been deeply down the rabbit hole of research into all the realities of these darker forces at play, I began to feel hopeless and lost. I began to feel overwhelmed at the idea that I was just one singular human, with no real way to battle what was going on. I felt hopeless and powerless that the world was about to take some nasty turns for the worse, my freedom and liberties would be taken away and I imagined a dark and apocalyptic future; like those we have seen in the movies (which I now understand to be a way to de-sensitise us to a new reality).
I was walking around my kitchen, having a chat with myself, the angels, archangels, ascended masters, spirit guides, my Dad, the universe, and anyone who would listen really! Anyone who I felt wasn’t busy!!! I even spoke to Jesus! I reckoned, if he did in fact walk the earth at some stage, then he would know how messed up it can be down here… so I reckoned he may have some advice for me!
Essentially my hopeless plea went something like this; ‘Seriously you guys, WTF is going on here?! This place is gone bat shit crazy and I’m not really sure I was to be part of that apocalyptic type future…. and am not really sure what my role in all this is…. so if you want me to stay here then you better start throwing me some clear and concise messages, otherwise I’m outta here!’. So, I was kind of throwing my toys out of the pram, giving them all a hard time, when half a nano-second later I heard my own voice, in my head, say
‘The last move in chess is always the most vulnerable!’.
Now, I don’t play chess and the line was so clear and concise that I knew it wasn’t ‘me’ thinking it, so I calmly took it as a hint. In a weird way I also felt incredibly relieved! The idea that these big guys hanging on in the shadows may have an Achilles heel, or weakness, filled me with relief!
So I continued inquiring and said ‘Okay, so what does that mean?’, and I immediately understood that…. when the last move in chess is made, it is a bold move to check-mate! If the opponent is awake, alert and aware of that move then there is space and time to counter it, stop it. If the opponent is asleep, unaware and only focused on themselves and their own game, then they may miss the big bold move and lose the game entirely. That’s where we are at now.
So, I understood that these guys have a weakness, and their weakness is our ability to see what they are doing. If we can see what they are doing and more and more people see the moves that are being made against us, then we have more opportunity to counter their move and take them out. Once they are caught red handed, in the act, the veil comes down. If the veil comes down, then everyone will see what was happening all along. If the veil comes down then the whole wide world will see what they have been doing for years, how we have been manipulated for years and controlled, and how our freedom and right to live a love centered life has been slowly removed.
Once enough of us are awake to pull down the veil, then those who were asleep will have no choice but to wake up to the reality that was hidden from them. That my friends is that mass awakening. That my friends is when our world, of mass manipulation, comes crashing down and a new world begins.
Because a new world must begin.
When we see how toxic the old model of working and living has become, we will be forced to create new ways of being and existing in harmony with each other. Less stress, less work, more play, more joy, more fun…. how amazing would that be! And… it’s all within touching distance.
After this download I saw an image of some kids, in the future that was beautiful bright and joyful, looking in a history book. They were looking back through the pages of our past, pages filled with darkness and chaos, sadness, death, disease, disharmony and distractions, the pages were dark and scary looking. I could see the kids, in this beautiful bright new world, looking to their parents and elders saying ‘No way! C’mon, you’re kidding. There is no way any of this happened! Look at the world today so filled with love, there is no way that that was real! Really?’. It was so reassuring to see the outcome of a new world to be so bright and free of illusion and deception.
At the moment, the idea of that new world seems impossible. However, it is only impossible if you cannot imagine it. One day we will look back at this era in history as unlikely as the future we would like to imagine, and it’s up to us to act now.
Open your mind, un-attach from fear, visualize a future free of illusion and deception; bright, joyful, and full of love. Raise your vibrations by using the laws of attraction to visualise that world on its way to us right now! Feel that truth! Stay in that truth. Feel gratitude and love for being a part of this greatest moment in history and how incredible it will be to look back and think ‘Shit, that was a close shave!’. Help other by being a tuning fork, your vibrations will help those who cannot wake, to wake up.
Love and Light XX