Your Journey

Well, I feel the easiest way to explain the confusion is to see what’s happening currently, as though there are two worlds living together as one, one layered over the other. Where the translucent layer of the 5th Dimension is layered over the more dense world of the 3rd Dimension.

We are in a different dimension, watching the old world narrative play out in the 3rd. We are interacting with those in the 3rd dimension because our dimensions have not yet split. The 5D bus has not yet left and we are still waiting for those, who are just waking up, to buy a ticket and get on board!

The Great Awakening – Be a Tuning Fork!

We are in midst of a great awakening. We are all swinging from fear to hope, and having been in the same pendulum swing myself I received a direct ‘Divine Download’ if you will, which I share briefly in this video. . I feel there are three aspects to this Awakening.

Writing is Therapy!

In the same way I had learned with mediation, I became aware of the distraction and without placing too much attention or attachment on it, I gently let it pass. So, I sat myself down once again, this time prepared for the body’s reaction. There is was, it wanted to get away again. It wanted to move. Previously I would have stepped away, not knowing why, but now I was aware and I was going to stay where I was. I would become aware of the sensations in my body and allow them to pass.

The Universe has your back – Go with the flow!

The universe has always got our back, we just need to stop swimming against the tide and go with the flow; trusting that it’s not our job to know exact roads and route to take, trusting we will be guided naturally, and that all we need to have gentle focus on is a destination!

Lifting the veil…

I am here to tell you that it does NOT have to be like that! You too, can be free!

The first step to this freedom is becoming aware of the cage you are in.

To see the cage you must become aware of how crazy it is to even be in the cage.