Listen to your Heart – Beware of False Idols

Now is the time to allow our external idols and false realities to fall away and trust only ourselves for the real truth. What is true for you in your world may not be true for somebody else in theirs, and you must allow for that also. It is a time to go inward, to our hearts and trust the voice within.

The Great Awakening – Be a Tuning Fork!

We are in midst of a great awakening. We are all swinging from fear to hope, and having been in the same pendulum swing myself I received a direct ‘Divine Download’ if you will, which I share briefly in this video. . I feel there are three aspects to this Awakening.

Is FOMO Affecting Your Immunity?!

By raising your vibrations and remaining calm and positive, focusing on gratitude, you will act as a tuning fork for others who need that in their lives. Not only will you help others by being the messenger of good news, rather than doom. You will also boost your immunity and in turn, you will help others to boost their immunity. There is alot you can do, simply by feeling as much gratitude as you can every day.