Soul Navigation

You are a wisdom seeker, who is searching for deeper meaning
You are curious about solving your own mysteries
You want to find the truth of who you are & why you are here
You are fed up of searching for the answers and getting nowhere
You want to finally feel like you have come home to yourself
You want more fulfillment and meaning in life
You are ready to face the truth, and willing to implement change
You finally understand there is no magic pill, just persistence
You are fed up of reading self help books
You are tired of feeling as though you are broken, and unfixable
You are ready to step into your own power
You are ready for real long lasting change
You are ready to get to know yourself, strengths and weaknesses
You are wanting to change career, become and entrepreneur or have been searching for deeper meaning to life

Intrepid Wisdom Podcast – NOW LIVE!

I had wanted to build a community or way for older and younger women to connect together and learn from each other and inspire each other. to talk about all the things me and my Mum chatted about; Life, Love, Sex, Relationships, Health, Business, Spirituality… all the things we, as women, should talk more about so we can feel more normal, inspired, and encourage us to dive deeper into our hearts. I wanted to rejoin women with the elder wisdom and find a way to bring the value of our elders back home. There is was… i realised I wanted to start a podcast…. and that’s where Intrepid Wisdom was born!

Your Journey

Well, I feel the easiest way to explain the confusion is to see what’s happening currently, as though there are two worlds living together as one, one layered over the other. Where the translucent layer of the 5th Dimension is layered over the more dense world of the 3rd Dimension.

We are in a different dimension, watching the old world narrative play out in the 3rd. We are interacting with those in the 3rd dimension because our dimensions have not yet split. The 5D bus has not yet left and we are still waiting for those, who are just waking up, to buy a ticket and get on board!

#What’s your gift – Drop the baggage!

I wanted the answer now. I wanted the pain to end. I wanted to know what path to take. I wanted a sign. I wanted to know what my future held. I wanted to feel joy again. I wanted an end to the misery of not knowing. I simply wanted a crystal ball into the future which would allow me to see what it took to make me happy, because I hadn’t a clue how to do that for myself!

Lifting the veil…

I am here to tell you that it does NOT have to be like that! You too, can be free!

The first step to this freedom is becoming aware of the cage you are in.

To see the cage you must become aware of how crazy it is to even be in the cage.