Is FOMO Affecting Your Immunity?!

By raising your vibrations and remaining calm and positive, focusing on gratitude, you will act as a tuning fork for others who need that in their lives. Not only will you help others by being the messenger of good news, rather than doom. You will also boost your immunity and in turn, you will help others to boost their immunity. There is alot you can do, simply by feeling as much gratitude as you can every day.

#What’s your gift – Drop the baggage!

I wanted the answer now. I wanted the pain to end. I wanted to know what path to take. I wanted a sign. I wanted to know what my future held. I wanted to feel joy again. I wanted an end to the misery of not knowing. I simply wanted a crystal ball into the future which would allow me to see what it took to make me happy, because I hadn’t a clue how to do that for myself!

For ‘Fork’ sake raise your vibrations!

When you are in the company of others who are fearful, and you want to help and feel helpless and cannot. Simply maintain your gratitude and love and joy and happiness, it will help them to raise theirs. It may not happen immediately but it will happen. People, even really cranky people, innately want to feel happy, sometimes its just too scary for them or they don’t know how. Simply be yourself, raise your own vibration, be that tuning fork that resonates with beautiful harmony and soon others will resonate with you also.