Intrepid Wisdom Podcast – NOW LIVE!

I’m so excited to announce my new Podcast Series ‘Intrepid Wisdom’ NOW LIVE, in eardrums near you!!

Have you ever wondered what your life purpose is? Have you ever questioned – Why am I here? What is it I am meant to be doing with my life? How may I serve? Then you should be able to resonate with the frustration of not being able to figure that out, too!?

I have spent years and years working on ‘What is my Purpose!’, more recently that included balling my eyes crying in to a pillow and pleading with the Universe to send me some signs on how I can serve! Then I realized a few things…

  1. In order to be of service… You need to serve, in whatever way you can (just to start with) and the real mission will follow.
  2. You need to be in FLOW! It’s easier to move a heavy object when there is momentum, but when it is static it can seem impossible. Try moving a car and you will know what I mean! When it is in motion its far easier to push than when it is not moving.Therefore when we feel stuck, the easiest way to get in flow is to move our bodies, move in the world. For me, that was finding ways to give to others, and finding ways to network and meet people.
  3. You cannot give, unless your own cup is full! Make sure you are being kind, compassionate, and loving to your self. Understand what that means, what do you like to do to treat yourself and do more of that!
  4. Boundaries! I needed to become aware of what that means for me and to ensure I had a clear notion on what I will and will not accept, especially as I was coming to serve others. Boundaries and interpersonal relationships has been one of my life lessons (My North Node is in the 7th House of Relationships, in Gemini – Hence this is part of my life experience here!). Before the Universe could give me the next key to unlock the answers, I needed to first become aware of any potential blocks which I may encounter. With lots of self-development and looking at my own life, the areas I have struggled in, and coming face to face with how that may affect my ability to serve others, it allowed me to see that boundaries were a key learning component for me.
  5. Using the energetic laws of the universe, Manifesting, has been a huge help for me. You can check out my link here, which has some tools I use on how to manifest your life purpose.
  6. Perspective and Language! These needed to change in order for me to change, and in order for me to allow opportunity in to my own life. I needed to stop moaning about not knowing my life purpose, I needed to change my change my language to more positive self affirmed speak (which you will see in my download). When I changed my language, from negative predictions to positive confirmations of what was, and what was expected, then I things began to loosen up a little. With that, my perspective began to change. I started watching inspirational coaches, I joined memberships online with other female entrepreneurs and I began to mix and surround myself with people who were all after the same dream.

As I said above, in order to receive I needed to give… But I wanted to give and didn’t know how! I was in lock down (COVID), had barely seen another human in months, and had no visibility on social media! So… I started at home! I began giving FREE Distance Reiki Sessions to people around the world, doing FREE online Meditation sessions, and FREE Reflexology sessions to family and friends. Now, please do not get me wrong… I did not give in order to receive, but because I had been pleading with the universe to please send me signs on what my life purpose was, and in that I wanted to know how may I serve… so I served in any way I could!

What I discovered was when the more I gave, the more I received. The more in flow I became, by being creative on how I could network and interact and meet people who were in the same boat as me, the more ideas came to me. The more I changed my language and perspective, the more opportunities came my way. The more I focused on creatively manifesting what I wanted, the more messages and downloads I seemed to receive. It was all pretty subtle, but it began to take some shape. I left myself sticky notes like ‘God knows the plan better than we do… let go of control!’ or ‘Instead of trying to change, manipulate, and control the situation go with the flow and see where it goes!’, ‘Stop trying to control the outcome!’, ‘Work only with what is NOW!’, ‘Leave the direction and control to the Universe!’, and so on. Essentially I had gotten carried away with ‘TRYING’ to manifest every inch of the journey, so much that I had taken over and was trying to control the process, instead of allowing that part to be the miracle and divine intervention which is what the universe does best. What I am saying is… Yes, manifest what you desire with intention, feeling, emotion, and belief that it is already on its way to you… BUT as soon as you find yourself micro-managing how that happens, you’re in the way of the Universe and essentially telling it that you don’t trust that it can get you there… so you need to step in to speed it up and do it instead! See what I mean? Leave the details of how it will unfold to the Universe, God, Source.

As soon as I did this, and decided that I would take my hands off the steering wheel it all happened for me. I had, at this time, also decided to stop trying to create ‘Life Purpose’ businesses that would bring me money (not that that was a main focus, but because I felt at the time I needed an income, it had also become a driving force). I had started out wanting to serve in whatever way was best for my skills and abilities, and lost sight and that turned into my looking for a business. I would realise this and then go back to not worrying about that, and soon enough it would take over again. The money, and fear or lack of, was taking over the creative process of the manifestation and my fears made me step into micromanage.

Then, one day as a I was chatting with my Mum on the phone, and we were talking all things business and purpose, I asked her what she would do if she could go back and start a business, what would she teach. She said business, and she loved all things entrepreneurial (which we both love). Then we chatted about that and I asked her lots of questions. Before long it dawned on me what I wanted to do… Here was a woman with so much wisdom and knowledge, in her 70’s and feels written off by the world and feeling like – who would want to listen to her! This made me sad because she has been so inspirational to me, and it reminded me of a project I had wanted to do before, and of so many chats that we had. I had wanted to build a community or way for older and younger women to connect together and learn from each other and inspire each other. to talk about all the things me and my Mum chatted about; Life, Love, Sex, Relationships, Health, Business, Spirituality… all the things we, as women, should talk more about so we can feel more normal, inspired, and encourage us to dive deeper into our hearts. I wanted to rejoin women with the elder wisdom and find a way to bring the value of our elders back home. There is was… i realised I wanted to start a podcast…. and that’s where Intrepid Wisdom was born!

If I can find my purpose, then so can you! I swear that is true! I always said if I could figure it out anyone can, and that’s also part of my mission. To share the tools I have learned through the years, in searching for my self, and the tools which have brought me back to my heart. It is only when we return to our hearts that we can find our mission, path and purpose.. it is what makes our heart sing!

I look forward to this journey together and am in the process of interviewing some really inspirational women, right now. I cannot wait to introduce you to new perspectives and I look forward to bringing their wisdom and lessons to your hearts!

CHECK OUT for more details

So watch this space XX

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