Those of you with Eczema, or severe skin conditions and dryness, will know that constant contact with water, let alone constant hand-washing with soaps and other harsh detergents and disinfectants, equals a lot of cracked weeping itchy dry skin, and a lot of PAIN!
If you, like me, have eczema on your hands you will be wondering how the hell do we get past all the constant hand sanitizing that comes with is COVID-19/ Corona Virus?
Nature has a cure for everything and never lets us down!
We all know that hygiene is important, however with COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus, we have all had to step up our game. Initially everyone was using the dreaded alcohol hand sanitizer, gel sanitizers, not something which works well with eczema sufferers! Ouchy! However, most of these are no longer available and people are turning to natural medicine! #Yeay!!! Nature has a cure for everything and never lets us down!
Due to all this over washing and disinfecting I have heard so many people, who don’t have eczema or skin conditions, complaining the skin on their hands is splitting, cracking, drying out and becoming really raw and sore. I have even heard a good number of people saying they have been now diagnosed with eczema on their hands! Scary stuff! Makes you think again over how safe these pharma-grade sanitizers really are for our skin?
Using non-natural sanitizers, especially alcohol based ones, breaks down the skins natural barrier and defenses. The skin has its own micro-biome which it uses to protects itself and stop the usual bacterias and germs entering our bodies. When we dry this out with chemicals we weaken its protective barrier and lessen our defenses! Thus leaving us with cracked open sores on our hands, which worsen from all the washing.
Good News Is: There are a number of natural herbal alternatives you can use to both sanitize and keep your skin from infection; which comes from over washing and the break down of this barrier. These natural plant extracts/ essential oils are easy to find, are anti-viral and a great alternative to alcohol based gels.
Disclaimer: It is important to note that while these oils may smell lovely, they are used in aromatherapy and with this in mind may have contra-indications for per-existing conditions. Therefore I would ask that you do a bit of research online before choosing your the oils you wish to use, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medication. The list below, and sample method on how to make your own oil is also just advice based on these oils having anti-viral properties, none of these have been tested with COVID-19/ Corona Virus and are by no means 100% effective against the virus. I would advise adherence to all the protocols as set out by your local government to protect yourselves. However, these oils will certainly be less aggressive on your skin that alcohol sanitizers.
Now for the fun part!
1.Choose from any of the following oils:
(Strong smelling but effective!) Tea-Tree, Eucalyptus, Oregano, Cinnamon, Clove, Thyme (Prettier smelling!) Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Lavender, Geranium, Orange oil.
Make your own spray
- Glass Spray Bottle
- 20 Drops of Favorite Oil or 10 of one, and 8 of another (play with this)
- 20-25 drops of Tea Tree or Oregano Oil (which is quite potent)
- 5 tsp Aloe Gel (if you have it)
- 10 tsp Witch Hazel
- 1 tsp Vitamin E or Olive oil
Spray on your hands when needed.
If you don’t have time or equipment to make up the above spray bottle, then you can always carry the oils around in your bag and rub on your hands as needed; but please note that some people react differently to the strength of the oils, which can aggravate the skin further and generally it is advised that a carrier oil be used to help dilute down the oils for use on the skin.
If you find your hands are cracked, bleeding, sore, a little infected and need a little ore TLC, I would advise a warm water hand bath with epsom salts once to twice a day to help draw out any infections.
If the skin is overly dry then oatmeal soaked in hot water and applied, when it is warm and is cooled a little, to the skin as a kind of poultice/pack. You can hold this in place with a glove, sock, or bandage if you have one. Oatmeal/ Porridge is very nourishing to the skin.
Apply natural moisturizers where possible, avoiding ingredients like pertrolium which clog the pores in your hands and cause further irritation. It is worth investing in a handcream that will nourish your hands through these tough times.
I used to use Bert Bee’s Hand Repair, but it has gone out of stock. So I have been using either Berts Bees Mama or Welda Skin Food. If you are really stuck you can use olive or coconut oil in the evening.
I hope this has been helpful, and remember to look after yourselves. If we avoid being in public places we don’t truly need to be, then we won’t have to over-santize and dry out our skin.
Stay home, relax and regardless of all the chaos just know that as a planet we are all suffering the same woes. It is a rare occasion us humans are united so globally, regardless of our nationality, colour, race, creed or background. This epidemic, as tragic as it is, is currently uniting us all to support one another.
Do your best to see the positives that may come from experience and spread love and joy, not your germs!
#covid-19 #coronavirus #eczema #handwashing #handsanitizer #overwashing #naturalantiviral #naturalmedicine #plantmedicine