1:1 Online 2 Hour Deep Dive Soul Navigation session

with Deborah J.

Understand the secrets hidden in your chart and how you can unlock your Soul’s hidden potential!

*****(Please ensure you have your Date, Location and exact Time of Birth before booking a session)*****

Deep Dive into Soul Navigation!

1:1 Online 2Hour Session with Deborah J. We will discuss your needs and how Soul Navigation can help to bring clarity meaning and purpose to your life.

We will look at your Personal Astrology and discuss how you can unlock and uncover the potentials of your Birth Chart.

This is a Deep Diving session which shows you how you can unlock your Souls Potential! We will look at who you are, what you need to feel emotionally secure in this world, what drives you, your passions, relationships you are destined to experience, how to have fun and some of the strengths and challenges which are unique to you etc.

In this 2 Hour Session we will be diving deeper where we unlock the keys to your Souls Potential, Life Purpose or Mission in this life. Understanding more clearly who you are, why you are here and how you can go about effecting real lasting change in your life is key to beginning any transformation. Knowing your unique skills, strengths, talents, challenges, obstacles, your unique wounds, and what you need to do in this lifetime to achieve fulfillment will help to begin the process of reconnecting you with your inner wisdom.

Knowing your Astrology, who you are and why you are here, offers you incredible insight… But now what? What do I do with all that incredible information, I hear you say?

For those who have had a 1 or 2 Hour Soul Navigation session, Deborah J offers limited places on her 6, 8 and 10 Week Immersive Coaching Courses. Here you will learn her Three Pillar Soul Navigation system, designed with practical tools and intuitive guidance to have you navigating life, with clarity meaning and purpose in no time! Become the Hero of your own story!

Click here for Prices & Packages

Soul Navigation is focused on your Natal Astrology.

Unlike Predictive Astrology, Natal Astrology focuses mainly on who you are, why you are here, what your strengths and talents are, and how you can use your blueprint to navigate life.

Predictive Astrology focuses on dates, times, events and transits in the future. Therefore, this is not predictive astrology.

There are two themes to choose from, for your Soul Navigation session.

Career/ Vocational Astrology

Career/ Vocational Astrology where we will look at what is written in your Natal Chart. Here we will begin to understand how it can offer an insight into who you are. We will see the skills, talents and daily work routines needed in life to achieve. We will look at what your chart says regarding the type of career or vocation which may be waiting for you. We will discuss what lies hidden deeper in your chart, uncovering the mysteries of you.

Life Path/ Soul Purpose Astrology

Life / Soul Path Astrology where we will look at what is written in your Natal Chart. Here we will begin to understand how it can offer an insight into who you are, why you are here, what your Life Path and Soul Mission is, in this lifetime. We will look at what your chart says regarding your unique challenges, wounds and what you may need to focus on to achieve Soul Aligned fulfillment. We will discuss what lies deeper in your chart, uncovering the mysteries of you.

You may choose from either option however please note at times, pending the layout of your chart, the two may cross over. Each persons chart is unique, as is there journey and sometimes our Career and Life Path may become one.

*****(Please ensure you have your Date, Location and exact Time of Birth before booking a session)*****

What’s included in your 2Hr Session:

2Hr Soul Navigation Astrology Session (Choose from either Life Path/ Soul Purpose OR Career/Vocation Astrology). One to One Session, via Zoom.

Includes answers to questions such as ‘Who am I? What is my purpose? What is my mission? What Career or Vocation am I best suited to? What skills or talents are unique to me? What challenges can I expect to overcome? Am I on the right path? Why do I keep attracting these people, events or experiences into my life? What am I meant to be doing with my life? How can I become unstuck? How can I gain more clarity? What do I need to do to move forward? and much much more…


  • BONUS #1 FREE VIDEO – Introduction to Soul Navigation – Uncovering the Secrets of A Birth Chart
  • BONUS #2 FREE VIDEO- Soul Navigation Meditation for Clearing Energy & Grounding
  • BONUS #3 FREE WORKBOOK – Soul Navigation Reflection Workbook

Uncover WHO you are, WHY you are here & WHAT your Soul Purpose is….


Check out Prices & Packages for more info


About Deborah J

As an Intrepid Explorer of the Mind, Body & Soul, I have spent a lifetime gathering wisdom, knowledge and understanding of what it means to navigate your own life.

I spent time living and studying with Shamans, and working with Ayahuasca, in the Amazon. I have studied various modalities through the years from Reiki, Astrology and basic Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in Ireland, to Acupressure in Australia,
Reflexology in Indonesia, Meditation, Vipassana and Ayurvedic Herbology in India, an Internship in Master Plants Ethnobotany, Sound and Dream therapy in Colombia, an Apprenticeship in Herbal Medicine in Scotland and I am a Certified Family Celebrant. I am a self confessed learning addict, truth seeker and intuitive wisdom keeper.

I do not see myself as a Counselor, Therapist or Coach, but rather a Navigator, much like an Elder who shares their wisdom, shines the light for you to find your way, and shows you the potential and possibilities that lay waitingfor you to uncover a life of peace, joy love and fulfillment.

I feel there are three main causes of pain in our world…

1. Rejection of the Self
2. Disconnection to our inner wisdom
3. Inability to interpret the language of our environment, bodies and universe

Imagine finally understanding Who you are, why you are here, what your mission and purpose is and how to reconnect with your inner wisdom to find more peace, fulfillment and happiness?

Interested? Then, what’s stopping you? If not now, when?

What Clients are Saying

“I had a Soul Navigation session with Deborah and it was something special. She gives you next level clarity as to who you are and what you are here to do. Her insight allow you to give yourself permission to be who you are and accept ALL of yourself.”

Rachel Forcella, England, UK

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I am now way more aware and insightful of my personality traits…my strengths and weaknesses. I am aware of areas to work on and improve to help feel more fulfilled. Some things I may have briefly thought about before now seem to make ore sense, there are more meaning and purpose behind them.”

C.O’Malley, Ireland

Rating: 5 out of 5.

” I really wish I had known about this before”

Chloe, Ireland

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“I can thoroughly recommend this… I have attended Deborahs Soul Navigation sessions after having my Birth Chart done and it was fascinating! Loads of things in my life suddenly made sense and I got a much better understanding of my innate gifts and inclinations, which has been very uplifting. As a result, I have plans afoot!

C. Bellavia, Wales, UK

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I Just wanted to say that the main thing that’s changed for me since you did my reading is I have given myself permission to like things again. To care for myself again. And I am feeling a lot better now just by doing that. It’s okay to be happier now. I just wanted to say thank you!

G. Sritharen, Malaysia

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Thank you again for that unbelievably informative, oh-so-helpful, and spot-on session. I came away with so many new awarenesses, especially knowing that so many things I’d previously seen as deficiencies in my character were simply traits I was predisposed to. What a difference that shift in perspective has done toward building up my self-trust and self-confidence. I feel like I now have a handle on my life and creating my reality instead of tossing and turning in spite of my desires.

Your pre-session consultation was invaluable!!!! in pinpointing my exact birth time from my mother’s “oh, sometime before breakfast” to the exact minute. As we brainstormed times during that consultation and you showed me how just a minute or two difference could impact the various signs so dramatically, I realized what a gift you had in drawing out my responses and masterfully interpreting how to adjust the times a bit at a time. It was fascinating to watch and made me appreciate my complete natal chart session all the more. I know of no other person who provides this additional service… and that had prevented me from ever having had my chart done before this, my 71st year.

L. Haskins, Colorado, USA

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Deep Dive into Soul Navigation!

1:1 Online 2Hour Soul Navigation session with Deborah J.

Ask yourself – If not now, when? 

*****(Please ensure you have your Date, Location and exact Time of Birth before booking a session)*****

Please read the Health Disclaimer for information before booking a session.