What is a ’60min Reiki Energy Healing Session’?
60min Reiki Energy Healing Sessions are ideal for women who struggle with stress, anxiety, fear, worry, overwhelm, insomnia, digestive issues, motivation, concentration, lack of clarity or direction in life. As well as many other emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual dis-ease or dis-harmony in all areas of relationships, career, health and life.
Each ‘60min Reiki Energy Healing Session’ is focused primarily on Reiki, with additional Mentoring and Holistic Life Skills applied as is relevant for the session.
As my passion is mentoring and empowering my clients I will often intuitively utilize, combine and share many of the additional modalities, wisdom and tools I may feel are relevant during our time working together.
Drawing on my years of personal experience collecting wisdom, knowledge and tools from various natural, folk and cultural healing modalities, these 60min Reiki Energy Healing Sessions will provide you with a taste of some of the Holistic Life Skills tools (which I usually only teach in my 8 Week Holistic Life Skills Program). These practical day to day wisdom and tools are designed to encourage and empower you to take back control of your own healing journey.
As a Holistic Astrologer I may also, from time to time, take a look at your personal astrology as a means of me gaining additional insight and guidance for your session (Please note these are not astrology sessions).
Any additional information provided I offer this wisdom as a means of recommendation only. The idea being, to introduce you to the possibilities available for you to further your own exploration and dive deeper into the skills and tools which can enhance your healing journey.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
Reiki has been proven to reduce stress, aid *sleep, relieve fatigue, anxiety, depression, feelings of being stuck, dense energy, enhance your vitality, well-being and provide a general sense of overall inner peace.
*One hour of Reiki is said to provide the body with an equivalent of 4 hours sleep.
7-8 hours every night of regular, uninterrupted quality, sleep reduces inflammation in the body, boosts the immune system, reduces stress and encourages a healthy micro-biome. This helps to promote healthy aging and our ability to experience joy.
With regular Reiki sessions, and even one off sessions, working toward re-balancing your natural state of being, you may notice you begin to release emotional blockages, accelerated natural healing, balance of the subtle bodies energies and mental clarity.
What can I expect from my Reiki Session?
During your Reiki session, whether Hands-On or Distance Reiki, you will experience deep relaxation. Each one hour session is the bodies equivalent to four hours sleep. Working with your bodies own energy field I will place my hands, either on or slightly above your body, at various locations or when doing distance Reiki I may ask you to place your hands on the same areas we would when working in person (pending the session and the client needs). Working with the energy of your body, and your natural rhythms, each session will help you return to a more natural relaxed state of being. Your mind and body relax, your energies re-align and balance and you will feel as though.
What is Distance Reiki?
We are all made of energy, therefore Reiki can be done from anywhere in the world. I have done Reiki Sessions for people in Canada, the US, Malaysia, Australia, and more for people who cannot attend my practice in person. This is usually done over the phone, while you are relaxing somewhere at home where you can lie down, and where you won’t be disturbed. All you need is somewhere comfortable to relax, and a speaker phone or earphones on your mobile device so your hands are free and you can relax. I will usually go through some guided meditations and we will work together on various aspects of your energy field, by placing hands on various positions around the body.
The Reiki I do is very intuitive and each session will vary from person to person, depending on their needs and what comes up in the session. Therefore, I may ask you to visualize some things or do breathe work, or work with each other in other manners, as required throughout the session.
Distance Reiki has been incredibly helpful for people when they need a practitioner they can trust but cannot attend in person, for whatever reason. I have even done Reiki for animals who have been seriously unwell or injured, emergency Reiki and more.
How many sessions will I need?
It is recommended to have a minimum of 3-5 sessions, pending the clients needs, to attain the best results.
I have seen some clients come to me and only need one session, they feel great afterward and that’s all they needed. My clients will also come to me over a period of time, and this will depend on what they need assitance with. Often many begin with 3-5 sessions and return to me every few months, once a quarter and some once a month, for regular maintenance and atunement.
There is only one person who can look after you, and that’s you! I feel that all therapy or self care is like servicing a car. Whether it is massage, dental check up, doctor visits, meditation or Reiki, we all have a tendency to only seek help when something has gone wrong! Often, by building a routine of regular self-care we can improve our overall health and lessen the need for more serious interventions.
Reflexology is an incredible way to access healing throughout the entire body. Not only will you feel incredible relaxation, it is also effective for tackling most dis-ease or dis-harmony in the body. You won’t want to miss out on a session!
Reflexology is an ancient healing art that treats a person holistically. It can be compared to other natural healing modalities such as acupuncture and various styles of massage. It uses similar theories to acupuncture and acupressure, in that it places pressure on one area of the body to evoke a reaction elsewhere. Unlike acupuncture, there are no needles involved in Reflexology and the procedure is completed simply by applying pressure and touch to the feet.
Reflexology falls under the umbrella of massage therapies, as it uses the rubbing and pressing techniques. Unlike other styles of massage, however, reflexology aims to assist more than just the area being rubbed. By understanding the central nervous system, and a unique body map which we can locate on the feet, it can soothe pain, improve immunity and assist in the treatment of tension, tension headaches and migraines, stress, insomnia, and more dis-ease and dis-harmony in the body.
It is a special foot massage that works by applying pressure on reflex points that correspond to the parts, organs and glands of the body, thus providing a relaxing therapeutic massage without the need for taking the clothes off.
Reflexology is designed to help patients cope on three levels:
- Physical, Mental and Emotional.
- Physical benefits include:
- Improved quality of sleep
- Increase in energy levels
- Stronger immune system
- Reducing aches and pains
- Promoting a deep state of relaxation
- Reduce stress and tenstion
- and much more
How do I book an appointment?
Just click here, for more information or to make a booking enquiry