Birth Chart Time Retrieval

(For those who don’t know your Birth Time)

45 min Session – €80

  • Without an exact time of birth, reading your Astrology is limited to basic interpretations.
  • To unlock the deeper mysteries of who you are, why you are here and what it is you are meant to be doing in this lifetime we need to know your exact time. This affects the Rising Sign/ Ascendant, each of the houses and what houses the planets fall in.
  • This 45 min Session is aimed at those who know their date and location of birth, but who are unsure of their exact time of birth and wish to uncover it for the purposes of having a full Astrology Session.
  • Finding the Birth Time is like trying on a pair of shoes without knowing your size. We have to quite literally try on your Natal Chart, fit it with your life experiences and move it about, to find the accurate time.
  • PLEASE NOTE: This is a complex process. Although it is mostly effective and possible to locate the correct Birth time, it is not always guaranteed! Therefore it must be noted in advance that an outcome is not guaranteed. The above price is based on the time and energy required to carry out this process and therefore not refundable in the event we are unsuccessful in locating your time of birth.
  • Finding the time is largely based on working together with the client, their personal awareness of life events and willingness to feel into the possibilities of the energy of the placements in the chart as we work together.

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